The British LongBow Society

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North American Chapter of the British LongBow Society

Longbow archers residing in North America who wish to become members of the British Longbow Society are advised to contact the Chair / Treasurer of the Chapter.

Dan Caldwell

E-mail    DLC2115 at

Several Longbow tournaments are held each year. Members visiting England at the appropriate time may be able to shoot in the Society Championships held at the shooting ground of The Royal Toxophilite Society.

  Anyone living in North America who is interested in joining the BLBS is encouraged to join via membership in the  NACBLBS.  The Chair/Treasurer of the NACBLBS will forward registration details to the  Membership Secretary of the BL-BS.

Shoots 2

2014 Shoots

   May 3rd              The NACBLBS 18th annual shoot in Williamsburg, Virginia.                               USA

   September 6th     The 24th Annual Championship Tournament  of the                               NACBLBS at Parkton, Maryland. USA     

If any members will be visiting the USA and wish to take part in archery, please contact the Chair/Treasurer as above.

For insurance in the USA please check page 14, paragraph b.3 of your Events Guide for details.